Thursday, March 17, 2011


Lent... the 40 days prior to Easter. 40 days for us to think about the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross and then rose again in awesome victory. 40 days for us to sacrifice something in our own lives to help us focus on what Jesus did for us. I haven't been one to participate in lent for the majority of my life. Who am I kidding. I've only participated in lent for the past 2 years. I had no idea what lent was until I went to college and saw people walking around with a black dot on their heads. Ummm... yeah. Had. No. Idea. Then I met Laci. Anyone who knows Laci, knows that she really appreciates the liturgical calendar. So it's no surprise that she takes part in Lent. I started giving something up the first year we were roommates. She gave something up, I gave something up. Except, she is much better at following through. Me. Not so much. oooops. I guess I have some things to learn about giving things up. Last year, same thing, although much much better. It's hard giving something up. Have you ever given something up for 40 days? This year. Whew. This year. I gave up 3 things. Sweets, fried food and soda. I don't eat those things very often, however, when I want them... I WANT THEM. and I will get them. And as I was thinking about something to give up this year, I thought about the hold that those things have on my life. I can go days without them. But I had little self control when I really wanted them. I didn't like how much control they had on me. The past week has been rough. I have wanted one, if not all of those things every. single. day. Maybe not really wanting it, but wanting it because I knew I couldn't have it. I think my body went through withdraw. I had ZERO energy. My runs were really difficult. I just wanted to sleep. And I felt really lethargic all day long at school. That definitely did not make for a very fun week. It was like I was walking around in a cloud. I just didn't feel like I had my head on my shoulders. Then I woke up thursday morning and I was back! YAY. I had energy again. Felt like I could complete a whole sentence without getting sidetracked. Goodness. I actually still want those things. But I have people around me who tell me it's not worth it. And they're right. That's what happens when you let people in to what you're walking through. They can help you get to your goal. That way you don't have to walk alone. It's scary and it's so freeing all at the same time.
Have you ever wanted to give something but thought it was too difficult?
Here's some encouragement... You can do it! Invite someone in to that area of your life. The first few days are always the hardest... but you can overcome!

Have an awesome Friday!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


A year ago, in January, my sweet friend Annie ran her first 5k. My sweet friend Meredith did a 10k the same day. A group of us travelled to Charleston to be cheerleaders and it was so amazing. I hadn't been to a race since my dad ran one when I was little, so it had been quite some time since I had experienced the excitement and energy of a race event. And I was so happy about cheering on my friends. What an accomplishment. Annie was also my roommate, so I remember her waking up early to run and train and we would talk about her runs and it was really neat to be able to share in this with her. Race day came and Laci, Erin and I cheered our hearts out for them! There isn't anything quite like seeing someone you love finish something they have trained hard to accomplish! I got teary-eyed watching them cross the finish line! YAY Annie and Meredith! It was that day back in January 2010 that I decided I would train and complete a race and also begin getting healthy. My motto of 2010 was... "Getting Healthy and Thin in 2010." Little did I realize the changes that would be taking place in my life throughout the past year. I shared my goals with the girls on that Charleston trip and started dreaming big for the next year.
I found a 5k and began running. It was hard and it wasn't a whole lot of fun, but I made up my mind that I would wear a number and cross the finish line. I look back on my very first race and I have to laugh. Thank you Jesus that I've come such a long way from that day! There was such a great group of cheerleaders there and I was sooooo nervous. So nervous that I had to stop and pee behind a dumpster on the course! That hasn't happened since then! Whew. I had to walk a couple times. But you know what? I finished that race with my dad by my side, holding my hand and it was the best feeling in the whole world.
Another part to this running journey has been weight loss. That has definitely not come easy. It's hard. And there are days that I just want to give up and throw in the towel. But I have a goal in mind and I won't stop until I reach it. Today I decided I would weigh and just see where I was and folks, I have lost 46lbs in the past 12 months! Praise you Jesus! I am so thankful that He hasn't left me during this process, that He is walking/running right along side me this whole way. What an adventure to be on!

"Nothing is impossible to a determined woman."
Louisa May Allcott

Monday, March 14, 2011

one. foot. in. front. of. the. other....

Whew. today's run sure wasn't anything to write home about. goodness. my body has felt extremely exhausted. just plain tired. but i got out there to run, it wasn't fun, but i finished. and right now, that's all that matters. a song keeps coming to my head... " momma said there would be days like this there'd be days like this my momma said." I am just going to assume that this song can be applied to today's run. tomorrow's run will be better and so will wednesday's. I just can't give up. Bad runs would be a reason for me to quit. isn't that crazy? i just need to remember that not every run will be amazing. all that matters is, i am out there. simply putting one. foot. in. front. of. the. other. and I have a goal in mind. and I am determined to achieve that goal. So here's to many more bad runs and hopefully a lot more good runs in my future. it's going to be good.

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

April 16th

I registered for a 10k today. What the heck? I have to laugh at myself a little. Who would of thought I'd be a runner? I mean really. Who would of thought? Ok so, tonight I went to CharlotteONE, a "city-wide worship gathering for Charlotte 20-30 somethings" (stole that from their website), and Charlie Hall was there for a night of worship. I honestly don't listen much to Charlie, but he does have some great songs. One of his songs is actually on my running playlist. So tonight, the last song he played was Marvelous Light (the song I listen to) and the thought came in my head... sign up for a 10k, just do it. You can do it Amanda. Find a 10k in the next few weeks and just do it. Well now that thought was planted in my head and I got a little bit excited. I walked outside to where some of my people were and I said, I'm going to sign up for a 10k. Ok, sweet. They approve and so I'm going to do it.
Let's recap for a moment...
The longest I've ever run was 4.56 miles, and that was yesterday. The longest before that was 4.25 and that was last week. Soooo, I still have 1.5 miles to run to make it to 10k distance (6.1? 6.2?). I talked to a couple people about it and asked them if I was crazy thinking I could do it and they both made me feel like I could actually finish the race. So with that being said, I googled, found a race, and registered. THIS NIGHT.
I will be running a 10k in a little over 5 weeks! This is so crazy to me and so exciting all at the same time!!
Who wants to come cheer? Anyone and everyone is welcome!! you can even run it with me if you would like!!

"Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed." Paulo Coelho

Monday, March 7, 2011


4.56 was the length of today's run. to be honest, i was a bit bummed. I thought I had planned out a great 5 mile loop and then i got home and realized it was only 4.56. BUT... I am still very proud of myself. I ran it in 57 minutes and I didn't stop to walk at all. That's something, right? Maybe this weekend I will make it to 5? I think I can do it!
Hope you've had a great Monday!

"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. " Raymond Chandler

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Three point one

Yesterday I ran my first 5k of the season, Get Your Rear in Gear. It was a great race and I was able to run with my friend Janet for a while, so that was even better. That race actually made race 4 for me in the past year. Such a cool thought for me. Who would of thought that I would become a runner? Yesterday was the first race of 4 I have planned through June, one in April, one in May and the BIG HALF in June.
So the race yesterday... Get Your Rear in Gear raises support for Colon Cancer Research. There was a group of us that ran in honor of Janet's mother, a colon cancer survivor. Our team was called Team Semi-Colon. The best team name I saw was, The Wise Cracks. Quite creative. The night before the run I found myself a bit more nervous than I anticipated. I really just wanted to beat my previous race times and I think I placed some pressure on myself to do so. I started tossing and turning in bed around 4:30 in the MORNING. That is a bit ridiculous! So finally around 5:45 I decided I would get up and begin getting ready for the race that started at
8:15. The weather was a bit dreary but I watched the weather and at 6:30 or so they said it wasn't supposed to start raining until the evening. I shouldn't have been surprised by the fact that it was raining on me when I got to all the event tents, those weather people sometimes have difficulty getting out accurate weather information... oh well.
I didn't even hear them begin the race. I just saw a lot of people start moving and several in a jogging motion. But there were A LOT of walkers. A LOT OF THEM. It's hard to weave in and out of walkers in a race. I had to weave for several minutes but then Janet and I finally reached a nice sized pocket of space. This course was a bit hilly with one really long gradual incline. I have been running on hills, not necessarily in preparation of this race, but it did help. However, while running the hill I was thinking THIS THING NEEDS TO BE FLAT VERY SOON. And it wasn't. My roommate Rachel and friend Jessica were standing at a local coffee shop (they got stuck there) cheering me on. It was great to see their faces! As I passed the water table I really thought it was placed in the 1/2 way mark of the race. Maybe it was. And maybe I just didn't really know where I was. I checked my watch for time, but I wasn't really sure I could tell where I was by the time on that. So I just kept running, at a different pace than in the beginning. I felt strong and began passing people! That's an awesome feeling. It continues to be awesome until I realize I am not as close to the finish line as I thought... bummer. So I slow down a little and just continue running. I see a few people running back to find their friends in the crowd, so at that point I realize I am getting closer to the finish line! I pick my pace back up again and haul it for the last 6/10 of a mile and as I round the last curve and see a line of people on either side of the road, I take out my earbuds and listen to the cheers. The finish line is in sight and I just go for it. I cross the finish line at 37:46, a whopping 6 minutes faster than my previous race time from October. WHOOOOHOOO!! I did it! I got under 40 and just felt so proud of myself!
And here is a picture from my first 5k... it's great for me to see how far I've come!

Have a happy Sunday.