Wednesday, March 16, 2011


A year ago, in January, my sweet friend Annie ran her first 5k. My sweet friend Meredith did a 10k the same day. A group of us travelled to Charleston to be cheerleaders and it was so amazing. I hadn't been to a race since my dad ran one when I was little, so it had been quite some time since I had experienced the excitement and energy of a race event. And I was so happy about cheering on my friends. What an accomplishment. Annie was also my roommate, so I remember her waking up early to run and train and we would talk about her runs and it was really neat to be able to share in this with her. Race day came and Laci, Erin and I cheered our hearts out for them! There isn't anything quite like seeing someone you love finish something they have trained hard to accomplish! I got teary-eyed watching them cross the finish line! YAY Annie and Meredith! It was that day back in January 2010 that I decided I would train and complete a race and also begin getting healthy. My motto of 2010 was... "Getting Healthy and Thin in 2010." Little did I realize the changes that would be taking place in my life throughout the past year. I shared my goals with the girls on that Charleston trip and started dreaming big for the next year.
I found a 5k and began running. It was hard and it wasn't a whole lot of fun, but I made up my mind that I would wear a number and cross the finish line. I look back on my very first race and I have to laugh. Thank you Jesus that I've come such a long way from that day! There was such a great group of cheerleaders there and I was sooooo nervous. So nervous that I had to stop and pee behind a dumpster on the course! That hasn't happened since then! Whew. I had to walk a couple times. But you know what? I finished that race with my dad by my side, holding my hand and it was the best feeling in the whole world.
Another part to this running journey has been weight loss. That has definitely not come easy. It's hard. And there are days that I just want to give up and throw in the towel. But I have a goal in mind and I won't stop until I reach it. Today I decided I would weigh and just see where I was and folks, I have lost 46lbs in the past 12 months! Praise you Jesus! I am so thankful that He hasn't left me during this process, that He is walking/running right along side me this whole way. What an adventure to be on!

"Nothing is impossible to a determined woman."
Louisa May Allcott


  1. when i saw you the other weekend, i was blown away at how much weight you had lost; it was so visually obvious. i didn't want to comment because i always feel awkward telling someone "wow, you've lost weight and look great" in case they take offense. but since you mentioned it here, i figure i can come clean :)
    seriously though, you looked amazing! and i'm so glad you stuck with running!!!!

    ps: we need to get started on training runs for racefest!!

  2. Amanda you are AWESOME!!! It is inspiring to here your story and how you have just stuck with matter the bumps that came along the way or will continue to come along. I'm very proud of you. I love and miss you!!!
