Wednesday, June 15, 2011

no excuses...

I've thought many different times about what I'd say to all of you for my absence, but then I just didn't really have a good excuse. You should know that my running hasn't progressed really, and it's because I haven't pushed myself. Yes, the weather is extremely hot here in Charlotte, but that isn't a great excuse, I could discipline myself enough to wake up early in the morning and run, or I could continue running at night. Honestly, I have a really hard time waking up to run. I can't seem to get motivated to run before the sun comes up unless it's a race day. Maybe it's a running rut. I don't know. I have a race July 16th. It's a 4 miler with my dear friend Africa. I think it's going to be awesome... but I need to get off the couch to make sure I can complete the race!!
What do you guys do when life gets really busy, the days get really hot, and you lose a bit of motivation to continue running?
And eating. whew. I am not sure I should get started on that subject. My food choices have been less than desirable and I am thinking that is another contributer to my running rut. Ugh. I just wish it were easy. and that I didn't really have to work at it each day. or that I could just really want celery sticks and carrot juice all the time. now, please hear me for a second. I think there is definitely a balance issue here. Balancing what's good for you while allowing yourself to enjoy something that you like that isn't necessarily healthy every once in a while. I'm not very good at the balancing thing. I've been praying a lot about that lately. Jesus, please let me live a balanced life. I'm all or nothing. And I must admit, it's a daily struggle. But I really believe that I am capable of walking this out and pushing thru and each day I will prove to myself that I can do this.
Side note that is still some what connected:
My great friend gave me a ring for my birthday that says "You Are Brave." I think it's a super fabulous ring. If you know me at all, you know that I am not much of a jewelry wearer. The only "jewelry" i wear is my nose ring, and I am sure the term jewelry is debatable. Anyway. I LOVE this ring. It's not something that I would normally wear, but the more I wear it the more I just think... this is so me!!! I can't wait to show it to you! I am not sure what the material is that has the words on it, but maybe it's polymers clay, and the letters were pressed into it and then water colored a shade of green. It's perfect. As I was wearing it today, I kept thinking about the word brave. Then I decided to look up the definition to gain a better understanding...
Brave: 1. People who are ready to face and endure danger or pain
2. A young man who shows courage or a fighting spirit
I like that. I like it a lot. I will choose to walk in that. I am brave. I am ready to face the pain that comes with running and I am a fighter with great courage! This process is difficult, but it's so worth it! So so worth it! I can't lose sight of that!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Amy, Greg (from Sharecare). You've come a long way and you can/will adjust and get back on track. The all or nothing approach is great when things go well, but it can be very tough when things start to flounder a bit. Balance, as you said is the key. Hey, just take it ONE day at a time. Eat a little better today, get a bit more exercise in than yesterday and gradually build up again. You don’t have to be perfect in your approach. Setbacks are not failures, they are just opportunities for us to learn and adjust. Hang in there and don't be too hard on yourself, after all- your are BRAVE ;) Best-Greg
