I'm running a 4 mile race on Saturday. Honestly, I'm a bit worried about it. well, more than a bit. On my run this morning I even thought... maybe I will just not run it. I thought about that a bit more and decided that I can't do that to myself. Yes, it will be hard. I might even have to walk. And I keep telling myself that it will be ok. I've never run a 4 mile race before, so the goal of this race will be to finish. I don't want to be last, but if that happens, that's ok too. I just want to cross the finish line with my head held high and another race behind me. I will enjoy it though. I always love the race atmosphere. I will keep chanting I can do it I can do it I can do it every step of the way!
A side note...
I'm LOVING summer break. My hours are definitely LONGER than a school day, but the girls I get to hang out with are so much fun and we enjoy our time together. We go to the pool often, the library, the park and play around the house. I love the flexibility of hanging out with other people too. Mondays we hang out with my friend Laurel and her 2 kids at her pool and it's so lovely being able to have adult interaction! We've been to Discovery Place and I'm planning a few more fun field trips for the remainder of our time together!
I would love for the fall weather to get here quickly... but I'm not ready for school to start, even though I miss my school friends like whoa!
Have an awesome Tuesday. Wherever you are... stay cool!
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