Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fastest Mile Ever... for me.

Has anyone noticed anything about the weather the last couple days? I definitely didn't get the memo that Charlotte skipped spring and went right in to summer. Not really fun for running outside in, that's for sure. So to be honest I haven't felt very motivated to get out there and run. I love the feeling after a run, but getting started is H.A.R.D!
So anyway. Today I was excited when I got home and noticed I had a package at my door. For Easter and my birthday, my dad got me a Garmin FR60 running watch!! WOOHOO!! Well that thing is difficult to figure out, but I sat on the couch did just enough to be able to go for a run. And now, I LOVE IT. I still don't understand it. But it's so cool. It tells me my heart rate, pace and how far I've gone. AMAZING.
Folks, I ran my FASTEST MILE EVER TODAY!!! 10:23! I couldn't believe it! I've come so far! Holy goodness! It just shows me that you can do what you put your mind to.
So if you're feeling unmotivated, discouraged, weak, or __________. Get those thoughts out of your head. CLEAR YOUR MIND OF CAN'T. the reality is... YOU CAN! You can do it. If it takes you telling yourself ALL DAY every single day that you can do it, then do that. Do whatever it takes to reach your goal! It's hard, it's fun, and my gosh... IT'S SO REWARDING!!
In the end it's going to be SOOO GOOD!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Sleeping the night before a race is not very restful. Especially when they're calling for severe severe storms. I prayed really hard all night it seemed, that they wouldn't cancel the race or postpone. I remember waking up around 2 something and hearing the wind and monsoon type downpour. And for the next 3 or so hours I prayed in my sleep. Please Jesus, let the rain hold off and the storms stay away until after I finish. I was going to be so sad if the event was cancelled. I woke up around 5:15 and it was still pouring, and I thought to myself, well this race is going to be memorable. I started getting more and more nervous thinking about running 6.2 miles. That's a long way. A long way to continue with the same motion over and over again. And I thought had trained enough, but I hadn't gotten close to 6 miles at all during any training. Thoughts like... what were you thinking singing up for a 10k, you are going to have to walk, hope you don't trip and fall running down the finish stretch. Whew. Those thoughts were all over my head. I slowly began speaking truth into them. Yes, it's going to be challenging, but you have trained for this. you can do this. you are going to do this! It didn't make the nerves go away!
We get to the start line and it's NOT RAINING! Praise you Jesus! Annie, Kati, my dad and I were standing around waiting for them to tell us to line up and then it started to rain. I didn't even hear them start the race. I just saw everyone start moving forward... and we were off! The first mile seemed to take forever. But around mile 3, I thought to myself, wow I am really doing this. And I felt strong! I was keeping a good pace and wasn't worried about passing anyone or anything! I prayed a lot during this race. Praying that He would get the glory in it. Thanking Him repeatedly for giving me the ability to run and asked Him to help me have fun while running this race. And you know what, I did have fun. I never once thought I was going to die or felt like I needed to walk. And that was amazing. Kati is a great race partner. She paced right along with me and every mile marker we got to she would clap and cheer and tell me how great I was doing. And for a words of affirmation girl like me, it was wonderful! Miles 4 and 5 seemed to go quickly. And before I knew it, I was climbing the last hill of the race, and I felt great! I was hungry, but other than that, I felt so awesome. I was flooded with emotion at the top of the hill thinking about what I had just accomplished. I really couldn't believe I had run the entire way, never once thinking that I needed to walk. That is really crazy. Around the last curve it started to pour. BIG. RAIN. DROPS. It was so refreshing. We passed by Annie's family, we waved and smiled and kept running. Then as we approached the finish line I saw familiar faces! That's the best part. I saw Janet first, Misha, Annie, Laci, Brandon, and then I saw Mikala and Cori. I heard Drenna yell my name, but I couldn't see her until I crossed the finish line! It was so great to have so much support from my friends! I felt really loved! My dad got stuck in race traffic trying to get back from seeing me at mile 3 and missed me crossing the finish line, but he came right after! Don't worry dad, there will be another one!
I just checked the results and I came in 586th out of 687. I wasn't last!!! YAY! My average mile was 12:26 with my fastest being 11:39 on mile 6! YES!! I did it!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Running to Finish

This morning during a staff meeting, we were sharing about exciting things coming up in the next week, and people were mentioning that they were traveling, spending time with family and then I raised my hand and said... I'm running a 10k on Saturday. People clapped, I turned red and then someone asked... what's the cause. Ha, um, well I have no idea. Then Ms. Nelson asked, what's your purpose and I responded my purpose is to finish, I'm running to finish. I didn't think too much about it until we broke off into groups and started a discussion about some Pre K things and on my friend's paper it said... Running to Finish. I laughed to myself, pointed to it, and my friend said, girl you could preach that. And so the thoughts began...
Running to finish.
How many times do we start something and then quit? How many times does a dream come into our minds, then fear creeps in and we become paralyzed and do nothing? What is it that holds us back? And what is the difference between someone who follows their dreams/passions and someone who doesn't? For me, I think it has to do with a belief system we hold over ourselves. If your whole life has been filled with people telling you that you can't do something, or that it will be hard, or that it will take you more effort than others to accomplish your goal, you begin to believe it and claim it as truth.
So what would it look like if you and I stood up to our fear, looked it straight in the face and said, no thank you. You will not hold me back any more. I am strong. I can do this. I will do this. And I am finished walking around carrying this extra burden of things people say I can't do. I will finish this________ (fill in the blank) and when I am finished, I will be stronger than I was when I started. Take a look at your life and evaluate where you are and where you want to be. Then look at what's keeping you from getting there and make a change. YOU have the ability to change it. Stop walking around under the projections that everyone else has placed over you.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined."
Henry David Thoreau

And my friends, I'm simply running to finish!
and to prove to myself that it's all within me. I can do this!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I liked today's run...

Today, I actually didn't really want to run. I sat on the porch a while just enjoying the sunshine and I was completely content. I washed off the porch, tables and chairs, painted my toe-nails, and I kept waiting for the thought of running to leave my head (it didn't). You know how sometimes if a thought comes to your mind, you can often dismiss it just by simply thinking about something else. That didn't work quite so well for me this evening. I just kept thinking, I need to go for a run. Just go change your clothes and go for a run AMANDA. Oh, I even washed the windows and did a little re-arranging in my room. The thought still didn't leave. This day was absolutely beautiful. There was a perfect breeze. And it wasn't too hot! I tied my shoes and headed out the door. I was surprised at how quickly I got in the groove. There are days that it seems to take me FOREVER to get my breathing down and my mind in the running groove. But today it was different. I had decided I would do 3 miles so I calculated a route and it seemed from my first steps I just knew it was going to be a good run. When I checked my watch as I approached my house, I was excited to realize I had just run my best time for 3 miles. 34:41! And I decided today that that's my favorite part in running! Seeing the progress you make once you make up your mind to achieve something is so rewarding. Isn't that why people like to vacuum? They can see the progress they make when cleaning. Running is the same way. Your body gets stronger and you begin to do things that you didn't think possible. Oh the mental battle that goes on while running. It's so crazy. Little coaching moments happen all the time during my runs. Telling myself not to give up, to push thru, to visualize the finish line and people cheering you on.
I love good running days. Tomorrow's run might not be the same. but as for today, I am happy with the progress!

“Success is steady progress toward one's personal goals”

Jim Rohn

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Orange Juice and Phat Burrito

So I am just going to throw this out there... if you can relate, awesome. if not, you learn just a little bit more about me... you're welcome. :-)
I have been having some really bizarre cravings while running in the past couple of weeks. Well maybe they're not too bizarre, but still strange to really want them on a run. One day I was running through uptown and around mile 3 or so all I could think about was a nice large glass of orange juice. I was picturing myself drinking it. enjoying it. and it. was. all. i. thought. about. for the next 1.5 miles! I came home, drank too much orange juice and felt sick. Another craving I've gotten while running is a burrito from Phat Burrito right down the street from me. I run out for a couple miles and then on the home stretch, all I want and think about is a big burrito. I feel like there is something wrong with that picture. Does anyone else ever get some weird cravings while on a run?

Side Note:
10 days until the 10k. holy goodness! It's going to be amazing!

Monday, April 4, 2011


expectations. we all have them, right?
I just looked up the definition to expectation, and the only thing I got was... "the act of expecting." helpful? Do you ever remember in school when you had to write definitions to science terms or english terms and the teacher would always say, do not use the word in the definition or the sentence, well, I would have gotten this one wrong because that's all I've got. Anyway.
I've been thinking a lot recently, just from some recent conversations i've had with several different women, about the expectations we place on ourselves. This whole losing weight thing really opens doors for some interesting conversations. have you ever had a conversation with someone, and you felt in your heart you wanted to share something deep inside, but you were a bit afraid, then that other person shared from their heart and it made it a little bit easier to let your guard down to share your own stuff. losing weight is kind of like that. it's an outward change of something deeper going on inside, and for some reason, people are drawn to that. especially women. we all want to relate to someone, somehow. let's take a walk through the checkout in the grocery store, shall we? i see, perfect hair, perfect smiles, perfect skin, perfect lives (with a few exceptions), but doesn't it seem that even if someone is having a really hard time in hollywood, they sure look freakin awesome on that magazine cover. maybe we could all use a day with the airbrush machine, any takers? i was talking with a lady from work the other day and she approached me like this, "Ms. Phelan, I heard something really cool about you." me, being me, I said "did someone tell you what I did to my hair?" she laughed at me and had no idea what i was talking about (i put a relaxer on my hair and all of the ladies just wanted to touch it)! She said, i heard you run marathons, hahahaha. I laughed and said, yes, I run, but have only run a 5k, and I was training for a 10k in a couple weeks. and she said, but i hear you work out and i just want to know what you do and what you've done. then she began to tell me her story. It's really cool how it happens. people just talk to me. even more so now than they did before. we are all looking to better ourselves. and make better decisions about our health. so I told her, the toughest decision was the one to get started. then you had to daily tell yourself that you could do it. I wanted to be a runner for 6 years, SIX YEARS. then finally one day, it became my reality. I had to push myself, but it was a decision I made and had to stick with.
so back to expectations. women are really hard on themselves. hard on each other. comparing ourselves to each other. wishing we were different. i want straight hair and the Lord gave me REALLY CURLY hair. we place these expectations on our lives and others lives that it becomes difficult to even like who we are sometimes. are we ever going to be good enough? am i going to be skinny enough? will someone want to be with me? maybe if I didn't have flabby arms. or did you see her hair, her shoes, her stripped socks while running. I mean WHO DOES THAT? (the answer... me). We are bombarded daily with these messages. Do you ever get tired? Weary? discouraged? depressed? all it takes is one. step. at. a. time. a daily decision. people speaking truth in your life. encouragement. YOU. CAN. DO. IT. a healthy expectation. one that you can actually reach. You want to run a 5k? awesome. start by walking first. then start running. knowing beforehand that the journey can be hard, will help with hard walk/run days. surround yourself with people who believe in you. friends who can be your cheerleaders. who want to see you succeed. invite people in to this area. I know for me, it seemed easier to walk this specific journey alone. but once I invited people in to this area, there was so much encouragement, grace, and love. Remember you were created with a purpose. You can do anything you set your mind to! It's hard, this journey, but definitely not impossible!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

been a while

sorry to my 4 followers that I haven't been posting. I don't really have a reason as to why my blog has been neglected. But... I'm baaaaack.
2 weeks from today is the 10k. :-0 I won't lie, I've had to fight off thoughts of you can't do it, you will have to walk, why did you even sign up for 6.2 miles. I didn't realize that I would have to be fighting those thoughts so much so far ahead of the race. I guess though, it's better to fight them now and get control of them now than fighting through them the entire race. So, I am taking it one day at a time, one foot in front of the other, and not psyching myself out.
Today I really wanted to run 5 miles. I had planned to run with a friend, but she had to help another friend out, so I went by myself. I thought about staying home and skipping the run, but I REALLY wanted 5 miles today. Well friends, I ran/walked 5.87 miles today! It was SOOOO hard. The wind was so strong and literally every step felt so hard. My body was tired. I was thirsty (stopped at a donatoes to get a cup of water). And the last 1.5 miles just felt so. very. difficult. I walked about a 1/2 mile out of all of it, so overall I think I ran a little over 5! I am proud of myself for doing that. I wish I could have run the whole thing... but that will come with time.

"Between you and every goal that you wish to achieve, there is a series of obstacles, and the bigger the goal, the bigger the obstacles. Your decision to be, have and do something out of the ordinary entails facing difficulties and challenges that are out of the ordinary as well. Sometimes your greatest asset is simply your ability to stay with it longer than anyone else."
~ Brian Tracy