Sunday, April 10, 2011

I liked today's run...

Today, I actually didn't really want to run. I sat on the porch a while just enjoying the sunshine and I was completely content. I washed off the porch, tables and chairs, painted my toe-nails, and I kept waiting for the thought of running to leave my head (it didn't). You know how sometimes if a thought comes to your mind, you can often dismiss it just by simply thinking about something else. That didn't work quite so well for me this evening. I just kept thinking, I need to go for a run. Just go change your clothes and go for a run AMANDA. Oh, I even washed the windows and did a little re-arranging in my room. The thought still didn't leave. This day was absolutely beautiful. There was a perfect breeze. And it wasn't too hot! I tied my shoes and headed out the door. I was surprised at how quickly I got in the groove. There are days that it seems to take me FOREVER to get my breathing down and my mind in the running groove. But today it was different. I had decided I would do 3 miles so I calculated a route and it seemed from my first steps I just knew it was going to be a good run. When I checked my watch as I approached my house, I was excited to realize I had just run my best time for 3 miles. 34:41! And I decided today that that's my favorite part in running! Seeing the progress you make once you make up your mind to achieve something is so rewarding. Isn't that why people like to vacuum? They can see the progress they make when cleaning. Running is the same way. Your body gets stronger and you begin to do things that you didn't think possible. Oh the mental battle that goes on while running. It's so crazy. Little coaching moments happen all the time during my runs. Telling myself not to give up, to push thru, to visualize the finish line and people cheering you on.
I love good running days. Tomorrow's run might not be the same. but as for today, I am happy with the progress!

“Success is steady progress toward one's personal goals”

Jim Rohn

1 comment:

  1. You go girl. You are a great writer, I love "hearing" your voice as I read. Keep it up!! love love.
