Running to finish.
How many times do we start something and then quit? How many times does a dream come into our minds, then fear creeps in and we become paralyzed and do nothing? What is it that holds us back? And what is the difference between someone who follows their dreams/passions and someone who doesn't? For me, I think it has to do with a belief system we hold over ourselves. If your whole life has been filled with people telling you that you can't do something, or that it will be hard, or that it will take you more effort than others to accomplish your goal, you begin to believe it and claim it as truth.
So what would it look like if you and I stood up to our fear, looked it straight in the face and said, no thank you. You will not hold me back any more. I am strong. I can do this. I will do this. And I am finished walking around carrying this extra burden of things people say I can't do. I will finish this________ (fill in the blank) and when I am finished, I will be stronger than I was when I started. Take a look at your life and evaluate where you are and where you want to be. Then look at what's keeping you from getting there and make a change. YOU have the ability to change it. Stop walking around under the projections that everyone else has placed over you.
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined."
Henry David Thoreau
And my friends, I'm simply running to finish!
and to prove to myself that it's all within me. I can do this!