Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fastest Mile Ever... for me.

Has anyone noticed anything about the weather the last couple days? I definitely didn't get the memo that Charlotte skipped spring and went right in to summer. Not really fun for running outside in, that's for sure. So to be honest I haven't felt very motivated to get out there and run. I love the feeling after a run, but getting started is H.A.R.D!
So anyway. Today I was excited when I got home and noticed I had a package at my door. For Easter and my birthday, my dad got me a Garmin FR60 running watch!! WOOHOO!! Well that thing is difficult to figure out, but I sat on the couch did just enough to be able to go for a run. And now, I LOVE IT. I still don't understand it. But it's so cool. It tells me my heart rate, pace and how far I've gone. AMAZING.
Folks, I ran my FASTEST MILE EVER TODAY!!! 10:23! I couldn't believe it! I've come so far! Holy goodness! It just shows me that you can do what you put your mind to.
So if you're feeling unmotivated, discouraged, weak, or __________. Get those thoughts out of your head. CLEAR YOUR MIND OF CAN'T. the reality is... YOU CAN! You can do it. If it takes you telling yourself ALL DAY every single day that you can do it, then do that. Do whatever it takes to reach your goal! It's hard, it's fun, and my gosh... IT'S SO REWARDING!!
In the end it's going to be SOOO GOOD!!!

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